The right choice of influencers
The right choice of influencers
The right choice of influencers
As many influencers as they want can apply for your campaign. Depending on the selected campaign package, you can work with 6, 10, or 20 influencers. Here we show you how to choose influencers:
Sign Up
Log into your brand profile at Refluenced and click on your campaign.
Under “Applications” you can view all applications.
Pending Applications
This section displays the influencers who have applied for your campaign and have not yet been processed by you.
For each applicant, you will see a small profile card showing their name, Instagram name with profile, reliability, content quality, number of completed campaigns, engagement rate, and number of followers. In most cases, the influencers have added a personal message to their application.
You can decide which criteria are particularly important for your brand and make your selection accordingly.
If you click on the profile card, the complete Refluenced profile of the applicant will be displayed. You can view their interests, awards, verifications, follower overview, and their Refluenced content.
At the top left and right of the card, you have symbols to accept and decline the influencers. The red cross symbolizes the decline and the blue tick indicates acceptance.
If you decide to work with an influencer and have accepted them for the campaign, they will now be displayed under “Your Selection”
Here you must confirm your selection definitively with the “Confirm Selection” button.

As many influencers as they want can apply for your campaign. Depending on the selected campaign package, you can work with 6, 10, or 20 influencers. Here we show you how to choose influencers:
Sign Up
Log into your brand profile at Refluenced and click on your campaign.
Under “Applications” you can view all applications.
Pending Applications
This section displays the influencers who have applied for your campaign and have not yet been processed by you.
For each applicant, you will see a small profile card showing their name, Instagram name with profile, reliability, content quality, number of completed campaigns, engagement rate, and number of followers. In most cases, the influencers have added a personal message to their application.
You can decide which criteria are particularly important for your brand and make your selection accordingly.
If you click on the profile card, the complete Refluenced profile of the applicant will be displayed. You can view their interests, awards, verifications, follower overview, and their Refluenced content.
At the top left and right of the card, you have symbols to accept and decline the influencers. The red cross symbolizes the decline and the blue tick indicates acceptance.
If you decide to work with an influencer and have accepted them for the campaign, they will now be displayed under “Your Selection”
Here you must confirm your selection definitively with the “Confirm Selection” button.