Evaluation of the reporting of UGC campaigns

Evaluation of the reporting of UGC campaigns

Evaluation of the reporting of UGC campaigns

The reporting after completing a campaign is essential for your brand. Here you can see how successful the campaign was and how your creators have performed. Unlike influencer campaigns, the creators do not post their content on their Instagram profiles but provide the content directly to you through Refluenced.

You can access your reporting through your campaign overview. Log in with your Refluenced brand profile, click on your campaign, and select the “Reporting” tab. 

Here you will find all the relevant information for your brand about the completed UGC campaign.

  1. Costs

    You will be shown how many creators you have worked with and how many videos have been created. In addition, you will see what price per video needs to be paid to work with the content. Refluenced will calculate the total amount that will be incurred for your brand at this point.  

  2. Featured Content/Favorites

    This category shows the content that you particularly liked and that you previously marked with a star.

  3. Creator Performance 

    You will receive an overview of all the creators who participated in your campaign. You can see the number of completed campaigns, the country of origin, reliability, and rating of content quality. Under the “Name’s Content” tab, you will see all the created content that you can use via “Download”.

The reporting after completing a campaign is essential for your brand. Here you can see how successful the campaign was and how your creators have performed. Unlike influencer campaigns, the creators do not post their content on their Instagram profiles but provide the content directly to you through Refluenced.

You can access your reporting through your campaign overview. Log in with your Refluenced brand profile, click on your campaign, and select the “Reporting” tab. 

Here you will find all the relevant information for your brand about the completed UGC campaign.

  1. Costs

    You will be shown how many creators you have worked with and how many videos have been created. In addition, you will see what price per video needs to be paid to work with the content. Refluenced will calculate the total amount that will be incurred for your brand at this point.  

  2. Featured Content/Favorites

    This category shows the content that you particularly liked and that you previously marked with a star.

  3. Creator Performance 

    You will receive an overview of all the creators who participated in your campaign. You can see the number of completed campaigns, the country of origin, reliability, and rating of content quality. Under the “Name’s Content” tab, you will see all the created content that you can use via “Download”.